Master Vocabulary The Smart Way

Your AI-powered vocabulary learning assistant. Study smarter, not harder with personalized exercises and intelligent review scheduling.

Why Choose Vocab Study?

Smart Spaced Repetition

AI-optimized review intervals ensure long-term retention of vocabulary

Contextual Learning

Practice vocabulary in real-world contexts with AI-generated exercises

Complete Learning System

Import Anki decks, practice active & passive recall, and track your progress

Comprehensive Exercise System

Master vocabulary through our diverse suite of interactive exercises designed to reinforce learning from every angle.

  • Interactive reading with instant translations
  • Bidirectional translation practice

AI-Powered Learning Journey

Experience a personalized learning path that adapts to your progress and optimizes your vocabulary acquisition.

  • Smart spaced repetition scheduling
  • AI-curated content matching your level
  • Intelligent difficulty progression

Vocabulary Management

Organize and track your vocabulary progress with our comprehensive management system. Import existing Anki decks seamlessly.

  • Anki deck import
  • Custom categories

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Unlock advanced learning features and take your vocabulary skills to the next level


Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time without any additional fees.

Do you offer a free trial?

We offer a free tier with basic features, and our paid plans come with a 7-day free trial.